4 letter acronym when teaching henna
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Posted by Carrie on November 13, 1999 at 01:24:08:
So as I was writing my booklet to give to people who take my beginners henna class, I came up with a great 4 letter acronym that I believe will help some poeple remember the important stuff. I call it "Do the M.A.T.H.- 4 things that affect henna the most" M- Moisture - Keep the henna moist, it keeps staining. A- Acidity - Lemon or lime juice helps the henna stain better. T- Time - The longer the better. H- Heat - The warmer the better, sweat'til you can't stand anymore! All of this can be achieved by lemon/sugar setting solution and wrapping overnight. A mnemonic device can help absorb information better, but I hope I haven't dumbed it down to the point of silliness. What do y'all think about this as some basic info for first timers in my class? Of course this isn't ALL they learn...:-> Carrie