Henna under the X-Mas tree
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Posted by Miss Monica on November 13, 1999 at 05:49:34:
The Ladies Home Journal magazine December issue has an artical "10 toys for under $20", and one of their picks is one of the Discovery Channel's new toys, the Amazing Face Art and Henna Tattoos Kit ($16.99 from Warren Industries. I've seen Disc Chann toys at Target before). The henna part of it looks to be some premixed paste and some cards with half a dozen simple traditional type designs. The face painting part looks to be a selection of make-up, with stencils & pictures of African and Asian painted faces. I can't vouch for the quality of the product, but YEA! for the Discovery Channel toy folks for making educational and fun toys like this! Ah, I can just see all the new little henna addicts now! It does my heart good...