Camphor is DEFINITELY making lumps !!
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Posted by Jewel on November 13, 1999 at 07:21:15:
In Reply to: Re: Camphor making lumps.....I think posted by Kenzi on November 12, 1999 at 03:02:06:
Refer back to my post on my disastrous camphor trial. I was lamenting why my paste turned all lumpy after I put in the camphor and Natasha suggested that maybe I put in a little too much camphor (which I admit I was a little over the top about). It was so lumpy and grainy that I totally gave up trying to squeeze it out of the bottle. I did a simple wrist design using Catherine's carrot bag and dump the rest of them in my bowl. I applied on my fingertips and the stain was dark burnt red. VERY nice !!! My paste was so smooth before I mix the camphor, so I knew it wasn't my initial paste having the prob. Anyway, the camphor that I have is 100% essential oil camphor. Catherine mentioned that it might be too strong and I should only use a little. So I intend to mix it with some base oil, put it in a spritzer and use it only AFTER I've applied the design (sorta like lemon+sugar). BTW : I applied the White Flower oil before I apply the henna :-) ~Jewel~ : I was getting lumps as I was mixing the paste....not 2 hours : afterwards, but right away. I think I should not add it until after : I have made the paste as liquid and smooth as I want it with the : lemon juice.