Re: I need help on finding the chemical composition of henna
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Posted by Farinah on November 13, 1999 at 09:46:21:
In Reply to: I need help on finding the chemical composition of henna posted by Amina on November 11, 1999 at 00:39:55:
: hello, im doing an industrial project for my chemistry class, and the : topic is the production of henna. Im having difficulties in finding : the chemical composition of henna, (how the henna powder is made, : what chemicals are added to the powder, what chemical reactions take : place for the color to come out as a dark, light red....that kind of : stuff!) i haven't been able to find any good info. on the web yet. : hopefully someone will have the right info out there. Please, if : anyone knows anything. please email me at amikhna@yahoo.com