A little mindless joy in the wraps.....
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 14, 1999 at 03:53:42:
I have a big cookie tin of sequins...all colors and shapes, and when I wrap up someone's henna, with TP, clingwrap and tape, I've started sticking a pinch of silly sparkly sequins in the last round of tape as I finish off the wrap. Now the wraps glitter with flamingoes, holographic dolphins, stars, suns, all sorts of silly shiny stuff. Then I hand people the "why are you all wrapped up like a burn victim" rant sheet. The sparklies really seem to help people cope with the wrap! You can get dragonflies, butterflies, holographic stars...all sorts of mad and silly confetti sequins at party stores, and big sacks of them cheapo at Jo-Ann Fabric stores. I know this sounds very silly, but all the glitter and the excuse sheet seem to really help people keep the wrap on their henna longer, and that makes their henna look better! One more time with the excuse sheet, for "When people ask you why you are wrapped up like Frankenstein's Bride ...answer: (pick one) 1) Aliens abducted me because they realized I was the most intelligent, most perfect, most beautiful woman in the galaxy, and they needed some skin samples so they could clone me and create a master race to take over the universe. Mess with me about this wrap, and I'll call in my warrior goddess clones to enlighten you. 2) Fire breathing belch-dragons attacked from the depths of Lake Erie, where they have been spawning on petrochemical sludge since about 1942. Because I am secretly Super Woman, I had to quickly dash in to save the city by stopping their poisonous fire-belches with my bare hands before they consumed Cleveland. It stung a bit, but I saved the city....when the bandages come off you'll see their mystical, magical fire-scar. 3)A Y2K virus infected my hand. It could be lethal. Don't touch me. 4) Slavering squid-beings from Andromeda slimed me in a battle to save the universe, and these bandages are healing the wounds from the radioactive jellyfish bombs they hurled at me. I'm generalissima of the celestial bitch-goddess freedom-fighters, and I lead the final charge to victory. What..you missed the coverage on CNN? Where have you been? 5) That's where the CIA just implanted my new cyborg chips. When the wraps come off tomorrow, I'll be hyper-intelligent and invincible. Try not to annoy me. 6) These wraps are healing over the flash marks from a sort of hypersex known only to us devotees of the anti-Mathmos.......didn't you watch "Barbarella"? You don't know what you're missing! 7) I work for a government agency, with a very high level of security. Disclosure is prohibited. I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of this plastic wrap. 8) This bandage is covering an outbreak of rare paisley scrofula. It is a highly contagious, but entirely harmless disease that leaves beautiful patterns all over your skin that go away in a few weeks. 9) I was savaged by ferocious henna-gerbils. They've nibbled gorgeous patterns all over my skin, but they have to be wrapped until they're healed up a bit. 10) I have a severe, but very artistic, nail-biting habit. I've nibbled little frilly patterns clear down to my wrist. You can see them tomorrow!" I wouldn't post this a second time, but it's been a great success for encourging people to keep the damn henna in place and sweatty long enough for it to look good! Thanks to Forum people who helped this along with their wit and elegance! Who wants to make this list go to 20 smart-ass excuses?