Re: Ajanta website??
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 14, 1999 at 16:32:28:
In Reply to: Ajanta website?? posted by karin on November 14, 1999 at 06:25:23:
Behl, Benoy; "The Ajanta CAves, Artistic Wonder of Ancient Buddhist India" Harry Abrams, Inc, N. Y., N. Y., 1998 That's your best book on Ajanta. What is shows is that henna was used in 4th and 5th century India, but that it was not particularly significant, not a bridal tradition, and definitely not patterned. This Buddhist tradition of henna in India goes till at least c 900, and then continues in Nepal. Tibet, Sri Lanka, Burma and possibly farther to the south and east through c. 1300. I'm going to pile on several more sources here....what they show is that henna, sometime in the Mughal period (definitely, if it did not do so much, much earlier due to cultural slosh with Persia) changed over to a woman-primarilly, absorbing the bridal henna traditions that had been established in the eastern Mediterranean since 2100 B.C. E. . What all the artifact and literary evidence shows is that patterning in henna was rare or non-existant until 1650 in India, and then began to flourish after 1700, becoming a complex and florid art only in the 19th and 20th century. The peak of complex patterning in the Middle Eastern countries was from c.1200 to 1600. Here's where you start digging for information on the henna traditions in India; if you want the megalist of bibliography for Middle Eastern and Mediterannean henna useage, post again, and if you want the timeline for artifacts and coutry list of henna useage, email me. If you want the whole smoking bibliography for digging out henna history back to 7000 B.C.E. in Turkey, email me (about 200 books......) Bhanawat, Mahendra, : "Menhadi Rang Rachi, Folkloric Study of Colourful Myrtle" Bhartiya Lok-kala Mandal, Udaipur, Rajasthan, 1976 Bussagli, Mario and Calembus, Sivaramamurti: "5000 Years of the Art of India" Harry Abrams Inc. New York Bussagli, Mario and Calembus, Sivaramamurti: "5000 Years of the Art of India" Harry Abrams Inc. New York Coomaraswamy, Ananda K., "Medieval Sinhalese Art" Pantheon Books, 1956, N.Y., N. Y. Dehejia, Vidya: "Indian Art" Phaidon, Ehnbom, Daniel: "Indian Miniatures, The Ehrenfeld Collections" Hudson Hills Press, New York, 1985 Khandalavala, Karl and Doshi, Saryu: "A Collector's Dream, Indian Art in the Collections of Basant Kumar and Saraladevi Birla" Marg Publications, Bombay, 1987 Meer Hassan Ali, Mrs. : "Observations on the Mussulmauns of India" Oxford University Press, 1917 Miller, Barbaral Stoler and Mildred Archer; "Songs for the Bride, Wedding Rites of Rural India" Columbia University Press, New York, N.Y., 1985 Mode, Heinz ; "The Woman in Indian Art" The Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd. 1970 Okada, Amina: "Indian Miniatures of the Mughal Court, 16th - 19th centuries" Harry Abrams, Inc., New York, Pal, Pratapadetya, "Art of Nepal, Los Angeles Couunty Art Collection" Los Angeles County Museum and Associates, 1985 Pratadaditya Pal, "Court Painting of India, 16th-19th Centuries" Navin Kumar, New York and New Delhi, 1983 Saksena, Jogendra, : "Art of Rajasthan, Henna and Floor Decorations" Sundeep Prakashan, Delhi, India, 1979 Singer and Denwood, "Tibetan Art" Lawrence King Publishing, London, Swarup, Shanti; "The Arts and Crafts of India and Pakistan" Taraporevala Sons and Co., Private Ltd., Bombay, India, 1957 Welch, Stuart, "Indian Art and Culture" Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York and Ahmedabad, 1985