New Iran henna email addy
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 15, 1999 at 00:08:02:
Someone new from the Iranian henna company emailed me. Their email has been down for some time, and the original person who contacted me is in a different office. The new person is Javeed Atabaki at . This person isn't perfectly fluent in English, but I sure can't speak to him in Farsi, so he's way ahead of me!. He did assure me that they could ship 20 kilos or so as opposed to a ton at a time. You'll have to work out with them the smaller quantities, or hope some excellent and honest henna purveyor on this Forum starts importing from them regularly. (I hope someone starts bringing this henna is SOOOOOOO beautiful! I can email you a jpg of the unbelievably rich ruby red henna that they sent me..... just email and ask)