Re: color results
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Posted by Ntaasha Papousek on November 15, 1999 at 14:20:36:
In Reply to: color results posted by Jenna on November 15, 1999 at 01:13:56:
My paste that had spirit of camphor in it (10% camphor in alcohol -- found in the drugstore in the linament section for $2.50) and the first and second days it worked beautifully, and then on the the third day it got really lumpy and the stain was wussy. And CCJ also wrote that her camphorous paste lost its zing after a short period. The camphor seems to accelerate the paste and it goes off much faster. I keep my paste in the fridge and without the camphor it stains nicely for about 2 weeks. The designs I did on my feet with the paste that contained camphor (2 tsp henna, 1/8 tsp camphor spirits, dash honey, and enough lemon juice and clove tea to make it a good texture) darkened really nicely, but are almost gone now -- that recipe didn't make them last longer. And I tried using camphor spirits as a prep -- just the smell of it on the cotton ball made my sinuses run!. Regular paste and the camphor prep. I also dabbed on a little camphor spirits before my lemon sugar step. That was on Friday. This morning the designs are a lovely deep chocolate brown...Castle Arts is usually sort of reddish on me. I'll keep you posted on longevity. I found some white flower oil at an Asian store over the week-end and can't wait to give that a try.