Re: My left hand works!
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Posted by lisa on November 15, 1999 at 18:44:51:
In Reply to: Re: My left hand works! posted by Anon on November 15, 1999 at 13:27:35:
: Congratulations! : Now I feel like the only person in the world who *hasn't* mastered : ambidexterous application. (I'm waiting for classes to end.) I'm : encouraged to try it, though! I'm sure that there are a lot of lurkers who haven't done it, either. Take it from someone who has trouble drawing, it's not as hard as it sounds, and you may actually get smoother lines from your off hand! (probably because of the big muscle vs. little muscle thing that CCJ mentioned) In fact, I was doing a pattern on my left hand yesterday, and I got a bit peeved because I couldn't switch hands to get a smoother line on the trickier spots. :)