Re: My left hand doesn't work
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Posted by Kenzi on November 16, 1999 at 02:02:30:
In Reply to: My left hand doesn't work posted by SeeSee on November 16, 1999 at 00:19:20:
You've gotta try it if you haven't yet. I'm like you, I am not at all dextrous with my left hand (left foot for soccer, okay, but not the hand). I read a thing in L. Roome's book about discovering that she could henna with her left hand and I figured that was just exagerration. And then Jewel announced her success, others chimed in and i was finally convinced. I strongly suggest that you try what I did to prepare the design you want with your dominant hand (with live henna) to get the rhythm into your body, then repeat it with your non-dominant helps a lot.