The Henna Rap...
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Posted by Ntasha Papousek on November 16, 1999 at 14:56:24:
OK. I'm feeling definitely obsessed. I woke up at 4 this morning with this little ditty going round my brain...thanks to Carrie's acronymn! Although I know it looks kind of funny, For good henna color, you gotta wrap like a mummy. It's the way it's been done since the beginning of time From the banks of the Nile to Moroccan desert clime.
Do the wrap, wrap, wrap…the henna wrap, wrap, wrap… Nefertiti, Cleopatra, they wrapped with style, Using linen from flax found by the Nile. In the desert, those clever Bedouin Queens wrapped their henna up with wool and other means. Do the wrap, wrap, wrap…the henna wrap, wrap, wrap… Remember Pythagoras from when you were in school The perfect triangle was his rule. Mrs. Pythagoras did some MATH of her own To teach us how to henna in the best way known: M is for moisture: you gotta keep it damp That's the best way to get the henna stamp, A is for acid…that's something sour, Releases more tannins hour by hour. T is for time…yes, you just have to wait, If you want good henna, it's better to be late. H is for the heat that makes you sweat. For deep penetration, heat's a sure bet. Do the wrap, wrap, wrap…the henna wrap, wrap, wrap… Now some folks use cotton, linen or gauze, Use plastic or bandaids…there are no laws. You want to keep the heat in and the henna moist, In this day and age, we're spoiled for choice. Do the wrap, wrap, wrap…the mehndi wrap, wrap, wrap… So listen to wisdom of the women of the ages, Take your henna slow and do it stages. Add lemon juice and sugar or a quick NewSkin splat… Then wrap it all up, wrap, wrap, wrap… Do the wrap, wrap, wrap…the henna wrap, wrap, wrap…