Re: My left hand doesn't work
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Posted by lisa on November 16, 1999 at 19:49:28:
In Reply to: My left hand doesn't work posted by SeeSee on November 16, 1999 at 00:19:20:
: Maybe it's the way I am wired...I have almost no strength in that : hand, it's basically a useless lump on the end of my left arm. I have I have almost no dexterity there, also. My writing is really wiggly and scratchy. What I found helps is to do really simple Arabic/tribal patterns that are just simple curves and dots. (This also keeps me from getting tense because it's so abstract that I don't have to worry about it looking "right".) When I do mehandi with my left, I brace my left arm against my body and move my entire arm, instead of just moving my hand. When my forearm and elbow are braced against my side, I can feel the direction that my arm will go and correct it if needed. If I need to go at an angle that breaks the brace, I either move my left arm so that at least my elbow is pressing into me, I move my right hand to a different angle, or I shift my body a bit. Moving a direction with my whole arm is a *lot* easier than just moving my left hand. This may not be true for everyone, however. (Maybe I should design a pattern with an arm and body choreography to it?:) Then you could do it to the beat of music...:))