It Lives (yes, more on camphor)
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Posted by Tracy S. on November 18, 1999 at 17:26:18:
I mentioned earlier that I tried a campho-phenique knock off, adding a few drops to the paste right before application. I thought the experiment failed when it created the palest, faintest, barely visible stain on my foot after keeping it on for 10 hours. Disappointed and ready to toss the campho bottle in the trash, I put on my hiking boots and went about my day. Well.. I spent the day walking around campus, my feet getting hot and sweaty (and malodorous no doubt). I was surprised to find a very dark, umber/chocolate stain when I removed my hiking boots later that evening. I know henna designs darken for 24/48 hours or so after the paste is removed, but I have never seen such a light stain go so dark. My conclusion is that camphor, along with the other additives in the bottle, possess magical properties and are therefor evil and must be um... just kidding. Back to the henna-lab and on with the S.E.A.R.C.H. . . . Scientific Endeavor for the Absolute Recipe Containing Henna