Re: whats in your collection?
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Posted by lisa on November 19, 1999 at 01:17:37:
In Reply to: whats in your collection? posted by Lauren on November 18, 1999 at 22:43:35:
: i have always wanted to buy some good middle eastern, indian, : moroccan, etc, music, but when i get to the music store, i am just : overwhelmed. which ones do i pick? what are everyones favorites? Fire Dance by Omar Faruk Telibek (sp?) is a cool collection of Middle Eastern music. Other good ones are John Belzekian and Sirocco. A very, very cool CD that I've gotten hooked on recently is "The Gathering Season" by Solace. You can recognize it easily, because the cover is a picture of four women's hennaed hands. (They even have a henna pattern on the CD.)