Re: Henna in Indiainapolis/ Agoura CA
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 01, 1998 at 00:47:33:
In Reply to: Henna in Indiainapolis/ Agoura CA posted by Karen on February 27, 1998 at 23:11:18:
If you know of several other people who would like same, I would come to Indi to teach Mehandi class and henna people.....I have a dear friend in Indie, and it's not that far from Cleveland, where I teach Mehandi every Saturday. We'd have to work out price, but, as I say, put a group of people together to take the class, and some more to get hennaed, enough to compensate me for the time, and I'd make the trip. If you want to check me for credibility, look at www.mehandi.com , or call Mart Lansky..At Orion, Dist, 216-881-1500 as he's seen me teach the class at his store.