Help! Rash, with natural henna, not black! Need help fast!
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Posted by Lisa on November 21, 1999 at 21:36:34:
Hello my peers! I had a henna party Friday night. I did a beautiful bracelet on a girl, we wrapped it, she took it off Saturday morning, all was well until this morning when she woke up with a rash. She says small bumps and they itch. I need to get back to her with a reason, and perhaps and a solution before 7:30, she is at work until then. I am thinking that she is allergic to cloves, I tried the recipe for lemon sugar this time where you boil the lemon and sugar with cloves in and strain them out. I like the results but I guess cloves aren't for everyone? I also use eucalyptus oil in my paste. Any suggestions would be very helpful! This is the first time this has happened to me in four years, I am a little freaked out about it! Why was she all right until this morning? Thank you!