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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 22, 1999 at 16:03:32:
In Reply to: Henna posted by Amy on November 22, 1999 at 15:21:18:
Henna is staining the top dead layer of your skin. You'll have to remove that skin by exfoliation.... though you can bleach it a little too. If you use an alpha-hydroxy scrub several times to bleach and exfoliate, that will help. The cream used in hair-straightener does a pretty good job of wiping out henna. (It disolves hair, it disolves skin). None of the methods of getting rid of henna are without risk of irritation! Be patient. Exfoliate, pumice gently ... have hot scrubby soaks .... take the opportunity to scrub mangy household corners with comet and Ajax ... be careful not to harm yourself.