Re: Goose poop and fire hoses? (OT)
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Posted by lisa on November 23, 1999 at 18:50:58:
In Reply to: Goose poop and fire hoses? Not yet OT! posted by Kenzi on November 23, 1999 at 00:49:46:
: This forum slays me sometimes. You'll have to put that one in your : book Catherine....."mix your paste to the consistency of goose poop, : but only for the hair. For paste you want to draw with, you need a : consistency somewhere between pigeon poop and snail slime." Or, if you want to be more exact, between duck poop (which is actually green) and Alien drool (from the Alien movies). But yes, definitely put something like that in, and you'll get the kids interested just for the grossness factor. (A while ago, some science show for kids decided to show them how to make fake snot. I felt very sorry for the grade school teachers who would have deal with the projects the next day.)