another little henna success
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Posted by lisa on November 23, 1999 at 19:30:07:
Last night I decided to try out the new applicator I got from Castle Arts (it rocks! Thanks, Amy!) and do some experimentation with camphor in my lemon-sugar solution only. I decided to put a design of my own on my right hand. A bit scary, since this was only the second time I've done a design of my own, but I had sketched it out beforehand. (It was going to be a fan shaped flower with a vine creeping out of one side.) I wound up making it way too tiny! I didn't really want to scrape off what I had already done, because my tiny flower had my first teeny, tiny foo-foo lines, and I wanted to save it. So, I decided to take the plunge and I just began adding to it, completely freestyle. I didn't even consciously think about what I was doing, I just started applying the henna. I now have this nice half of a mandala-like flower with a vine creeping up my thumb and another creeping up the middle of my hand, and at least two areas with a bit of teeny-tiny line work. I can't believe up until two months ago, I was afraid to draw more than a stick figure if I couldn't trace it. And teeny-tiny lines? Me? The mistress of "everything crafted by my hands is elephantine in size." I got so excited that I wound going to bed pretty late. Oops. :) But I felt like I had to share my little success with everyone. I never would have done it at all without the encouragement and advice that's been posted here!