Re: Its an afterwards thing
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 24, 1999 at 14:34:21:
In Reply to: Re: Its an afterwards thing posted by Amy L. on November 24, 1999 at 07:14:16:
On moderatly calloused adult unbroken palm and sole skin, the ammonia dip requires 7 minutes in household strength (10%) ammonia. That does no harm, though its very smelly. Never try it anywhere else on the bod! It will hurt thin skin! You'll get something like a diaper rash. Ammonia is caustic, and should be used with great respect. Within limits, it's vile but harmless. I always used it for household cleaning, mopping floors with ammonia in with my bare feet, and that's how I found out how it works. Traditionally, camel urine and bat urine were used to do the job, becase those urines are so high in ammonia. There is, however, a local camel shortage in Akron Ohio. So, I go to the grocery store and get generic, non sudsing, 10% strength ammonia. In other uses...if you have a bee sting (acid), ammonia (base) on the bee sting will neutralize the acid and relieve the pain!