songs of Bilitis in four part harmony
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 24, 1999 at 15:10:09:
In Reply to: Book Request!!! posted by Giselle on November 24, 1999 at 06:45:58:
Thank you for the kind thoughts! I'm certainly enjoying myself exploring for everything I can find about henna. It's spread out into facinating subjects, like what it was like being a sex worker in other places and times, what it was like living in a harem, how a wife coped with arranged marriages and co-wives, infibulation, dance, music, the evil eye, old religions ..... because henna is intrinsically part of a woman's sexuality, and that exists within the history of societies, wars, conquests and religions...... searching for henna has taken me into things I never would have looked at otherwise. I've got a pile of Songs of Bilitis saved, if you want more, email me. ..... There's some, but not a lot of henna so it would be a lengthy and off topic post. It's also a tad racy for a family forum. However, if you want a look at a hennaed courtesan's life in 600 BCE Cyprus, and you want to see from the inside the old religion (nothing like "old time religion"!) that supported women's prolific, joyous sex , that had henna as a part of it's trappings.....email me! Assure me that you're 18 when you request this.