It is amazing how much lounging goes on when you take pain killers for that long.
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Posted by Shanon Lavender on November 26, 1999 at 06:46:46:
In Reply to: Lounging Around posted by SeeSee on November 26, 1999 at 01:58:53:
The foot I did the henna on is the one I hopped on for 6 weeks while the other was in a non weightbearing cast. I has taken more than its fare share of my weight for the last five weeks with the other in a walking boot and has more callous than ever before. My hands don't get especially calloused from keyboard use working in an airline call center. My palm designs don't even darken before I can see signs of exfoliation. My foot did manage some darkening but is rapidly dissapearing. I am finding myself on my butt a lot more but that was because early on it was the easiest way to get up stairs. I was so excited to get out of the house after five weeks to see Kree and Amy Cosentino on her trip to Seattle. You can probably imagine the obscenities that passed through mind when I realized I had to get to a third floor walkup for the henna party. Thankfully I had a lot of fun when I got there. I am proud of my progress and can now waddle up the stairs and walk with all of the grace of a penquin attempted ballet. It may be ugly but at least it does not require those @#$%@#$@ crutches. Maybe when my injured foot is more flexible but before it gets its callous layer back I will test that theory you offered but for these circumstances it doesn't seem to be holding true. Thanks for the suggestion. Shanon : Um, are you finding yourself on your butt a lot more while recovering? : If so, you may be losing your could happen if you are : staying off your feet, or if you are off work because of your injury. : I find that when I take a vacation and lay around, my henna doesn't : work as well either. Gotta keep those callouses going.