Re: Kali, Krishna, Shiva&Hanuman
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 27, 1999 at 01:39:12:
In Reply to: Kali, Krishna, Shiva&Hanuman posted by Vickie on November 26, 1999 at 16:41:34:
Natasha brought me one at Sirius Rising, and she filled it with Mexican Chocolate (oh for joy!)and wonderful things! I'm very fond of it! I bought my daughter the Kali night light, and with the extended tongue it reminds her to brush her teeth in the morning. Kali is potrayed with an extended tongue, because a holy man, who recognizing her perfect divinity, startled her when she was bathing....and she reacted by sticking out her tongue at him. (the local socially appropriate reaction of modesty, anger and dismay at being caught naked)