Scorpions in henna patterns and textile arts
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 27, 1999 at 01:52:47:
Asherah, one of the original goddesses of joyous sex and fecundity, (and frequently depicted as having hennaed hands and harquused face) was symbolized by the constellation Scorpio, and scorpions generally. Scorpion patterns are all over textiles from the Caucasus to the Sahara to India, and women considered them to be symbols of passionate sex, and a talisman against a spouse's waning interest ... but I didn't know that it went back to the 3rd or 4th millinneum B.C.E. The notion is that a hot, swollen, reddened, acheing to be rubbed scorpion stung finger looks really Freudian ..... and noticed also that scorpion stings, like love, are painful, but not fatal) 6000 years of swelling that hasn't gone down yet! Yes, of course, I have a couple of scorpion patterns (traditional, not naturalistic) . Email if you want them.