Re: cider vinegar...?
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 29, 1999 at 03:57:10:
In Reply to: cider vinegar...? posted by liz on November 29, 1999 at 02:53:00:
Vinegar doesn't actually make the design darker than any other acid of the same ph. Henna isn't picky about what sort of acid helps it release the dye ... it just needs to be sour. The darkness of the henna stain depends on the available tannins in the henna (freshness), and some other variables like heat, porosity of skin, length of time in moist contact with skin ... stuff like that. There's an awful lot of "this makes it darker, that makes it darker" stuff floating around, but for the most part its just anecdotal. That's to say, the person didn't try side-by-side tests, or repeating it over and over in a methodical way. I don't particularly like smelling like a pickle, so I don't use vinegar.