Ambience is everything
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Posted by MyST on November 29, 1999 at 20:39:54:
In Reply to: aromatherpy? posted by liz on November 20, 1999 at 18:12:28:
there's a lot to be said about the experience of being hennaed. the truth is that a lot of what people are looking for is to be pampered and feel that they are partaking of an exotic experience. Anything you can do to create that kind of ambience is to your advantage as a mehndi artist. even when i henna in the beauty salon, i always bring beautiful sarongs or batik fabric and lay it over tables and chairs, to create an exotic ambience. When we do outdoor festivals we also always have incense burning and at night scented candles. We like Nag Champa and of course sandalwood, patchouli, etc..... any other suggestions, please just email me i have many! MyST