Sitting here with henna on my head :)
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Posted by MyST on November 30, 1999 at 03:17:05:
In Reply to: Re: Henna for Hair, HELP? posted by SeeSee on November 29, 1999 at 22:40:46:
well i bought light mountain henna at my local co-op in chestnut brown. i added coffee, a little tea, some cloves, some cinnamon, the juice of one lemon and mixed it all up sloshy like. applying henna to hair must be it's own art form, because i felt like i was slinging mud all over my bathroom, my body, my bra, my neck, my face and arms. beautiful stuff. thank god it doesn't stain skin very well. anyhoo, i'm sitting here, reading through the form posts i have missed this past week (i was out with Strep throat!)...i'll let you guys know how it turns out. so far it smells just like normal henna....minus the eucalyptus oil :) MyST http://mehndimyst.freeservers.com