Re: Kit Question
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Posted by Natasha Papousek on November 30, 1999 at 14:18:08:
In Reply to: Kit Question posted by Kym on November 30, 1999 at 04:51:05:
I made a simple kit -- 1/2 cup sifted henna, cone, bottle of my special kitchen sink tea, instructions and sample designs. It was packaged in a ziplock bag so people could see everything. And I sold them at a show where I was doing henna designs -- so people could see what I was doing and then buy the kit to try stuff on their own. The kits were very successful. If I were selling them in a shop, I'd pay more attention to packaging. Congrats on the lampshade! That sounds way cool. I have a book of sample patterns that I use for demos (I do freebies once a month at a local bellydance show). People can get pretty excited about henna and start asking for very complicated foo foo designs...after a couple of freebies that took a LOT of time, I started letting folks know that there is a time limit per person. The booklet gives approx times per group of designs -- nothing longer than 10 minutes to draw. I don;t really have a problem with "flash" for henna. Most people don't have a clear idea of what they want and teh booklet of sample designs from traditional sources helps give them focus. Esp. since this is an intro, not the full henna experience. Good luck!