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Posted by Eliz. R. on December 01, 1999 at 01:30:11:
In Reply to: Re: kitchenless hennaed people posted by Vickie on November 30, 1999 at 15:00:04:
Try: moisturizer, hand cream, conditioner, a bit of salad oil on a napkin from the dining hall - I'm sure there are other plant-based oils around a dorm. I don't know if "personal lubricants" would work, but some of them are packaged for single-use. Stay away from lamp oil (it would probably darken the henna, but wouldn't be healthy). I don't know about petroleum jelly - anyone? Honestly, though? It comes off without oil. If you want a quick removal, stick some tape on top and pull it off. (Do NOT stick the tape over a stained area, only on top of the dry henna or coating.) If you want to prepare for the next round, try a beauty supply store (where hairdressers shop) - they have *amazing* stuff, and some if it is packaged for single-use. If you don't have one of those around, try a restaurant supply store or one of those warehouse stores - they also sell single-use packages, and I'd bet they'd have something.