"hennalady" on Amazon.com
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Posted by Amy L. on December 01, 1999 at 01:58:03:
I was doing a bit of holiday gift browsing at Amazon, and I thought "huh, why not see if someone on here is selling henna?" Someone in St. Charles is selling what appears to be a faboo little kit - 40 oz of powder, mehndi oil and 4 stencils. "Hennalady" says she's been doing mehndi for 4 years. I would love to email this person, you know, before I just up and send money... ...But you knew there had to be a catch! Amazon requires you to input your credit card number, just to confirm that you're an Amazon member, before you can request email addresses of the sellers. Well I don't have a credit card. *sigh* I know it's a shot in the dark, but does anyone know who "hennalady" is, and what's her email? Thanks so much :)