Re: Very interesting! Can you describe that again?
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Posted by Jenna on December 01, 1999 at 03:45:16:
In Reply to: Re: Very interesting! Can you describe that again? posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on December 01, 1999 at 01:36:49:
: OK...dry henna powder.... what was the source of the henna powder? : Precisely what product did you ask for to get your ammonia spirit? : Pharmacy or over the counter? : How much ammonia spirit to how much water to how much henna powder? : What was the consistancy like? Stiff like cookie dough? Stiffer? : Softer? : Then......how much of your acid mix did you add? How long did it sit : to release the dye? Well, I was rooting through my freezer taking out all my samples and realized I never tried the ammonia & ammonia spirits samples. I have a real lab going here. The henna I used my friend gave me from India, she said it was a month old. Now, I tried these 2 week old samples that were frozen and was shocked to discover the results, so I made fresh batches just to make sure I wasn't crazy, and I guess I'm not. I made the second batch with henna from The Henna People. The ammonia spirits was Ekkerd brand(a no name) for respriatory stimulation, right off the shelf. I just do little samples in a tiny plastic cup. I'd say two tsp. henna, 1/4 tsp. ammonia to mix it up, let it set for 45 min then added my hot mordant. Mordant: Real Lemmon (concentrated for lemmonade & stuff) Black Mustard Seeds ( a handfull) Coffee 1 cup H20 1/2 cup One Cup Dry Wine When you put the ammonia in the powder and let it set it becomes little hard balls, then I mix my hot mordant with it, let it set for 1 1/2 to 2 hrs. I'm impatient, I always try things out to see how fast they might be ready. I added just enough mix to get the smooth consistancy for applying. I did not pre-treat my skin at all, and dabbed with lemmon sugar a couple of times and a half hour later removed it to see how fast it was taking. I wonder what it would be like if I pre-treated my skin with mehndi oil, or actually left it on? I am putting a design on my foot to see ! I am also trying marchiano cherry juice in my paste. This stuff stained my counter 123. The consistancy of the paste is great! so smooth and stringy to pull lines, and the color of the design is redder too. Be careful not to put too much, or the henna cant make it so well trough to the skin, or at least not as fast. There is on other plus, it takes a very long time to dry, so I don't have to keep stopping to moisten my design. Still working to figure thing out!