Re: About Mehndi Oil
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Posted by Jenna on December 03, 1999 at 02:03:23:
In Reply to: Re: About Mehndi Oil posted by sondarya on December 02, 1999 at 22:09:22:
: : I finally decided to get some Mehndi oil, especially since it seems : , : : from my reserch , that it helps with color very much to apply it : : before you henna and then after. Also, there were many questions as : to : : what was in the oil. Well, when I opened the bottle I was shocked to : : smell citronella torch oil! Nobody else could seem to place this : smell : : I guess, and just to make sure, I went out and bought torch oil. It : is : : advertised as being clove and lemmon oil, but I put those two oils : : together and did not come up with that smell at all. Has anyone else : : discovered this or already knows? I'm not saying that it is torch : : oil, but my nose works very well, and I would like another opinion : on : : this. By the way, the oil does make a difference in the color : : (darker), but so does clove , camphor, & eucalyptus. : May, I ask what brand you bought? Shelly brand. I know the pre-made tube pastes have distilles in them, at least the three different kinds I purchased did. Shelly, Shri, No lable from The Henna People. Has anyone tried citronella oil used for keeping bugs away from you? The Health food stores carry it in season, I,m going to ask for it next time I go.