Avoid lamp oil
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Posted by Eliz. on December 03, 1999 at 02:10:29:
In Reply to: Re: About Mehndi Oil posted by Kenzi on December 02, 1999 at 23:47:36:
Let us know details (brand and source) so we can avoid it. It wouldn't be at all surprising if someone packaged lamp oil to darken henna. Kerosene and such things very likely do darken the stain, but they're not very safe to use. I'd suggest trusting your nose and putting it in a lamp but not on your skin; or return it. If you must try it (NOT recommended), use only a small quantity on a small area, and don't combine it with camphor or anything that will increase absorption, please. Better to be safe, though. Anyone know: does the FDA have jurisdiction over this sort of stuff?