Re: Amen
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Posted by Jenna on December 03, 1999 at 23:44:13:
In Reply to: Amen posted by Catherine Cartwright JOnes on December 03, 1999 at 22:59:21:
: Just because it doesn't hurt you now doesn't mean it won't hurt you : later! : I'll absolutely go along with that! : Why on earth add things to your henna that don't particularly improve : the color of your henna (and may incurr the triple plague apocalypse : of lawyers, doctors and money) when all that's necessary for excellent : henna results is very fresh henna and a slightly sweatty overnight : wrap (and better if you can lay your hands on a heating pad) : If your henna's really fresh, it will have the maximum available : tannins. Get them out of their little cell walls and ready to use : with an acidic mixed paste. If you do an overnight wrap and a heating : pad, all those little tannins will happily penetrate your skin cells. : Your sweat and open pores under the wrap will do the job safely and : effectively that all this dubious expensive stuff is alleged to do. : Is there a reason that I'm unaware of that makes it preferable to do : expensive, non-productive and potentially dangerous things? I agree 100% with what you all have to say about what you put into your paste and the oils applied. I had recently purchased pre-made henna and noticed that distinct smell of petroleum distilles, and I cant imageine why they would put this in such a natural beautiful experience as henna. It is much cheaper and tons more pleasing to get great results from fresh RED henna than to know that something icky was added to get it that way. Its fun to experiment, but when you come right down to it, all natural is the way to go, it just saves all the bull#*&! of what I think is unnessesary. I bought two other brands of pre-made paste to compare and they all have that smell. Also, I stopped at the health food store and took a wiff of the oils. It seems the shelly mehandi oil smells like straight citronella oil, and maybe lemmon grass. I like to pick things apart because I like to know whats going on me. In India they do not have many restrictions as to what they sell on their streets, or so I've heard. I have to admit that testing some things is down right foolish if you never intend to use them anyway. Amen
- Re: Amen Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:44:13 12/05/99
- Re: Amen Eliz. 01:32:08 12/05/99