Re: About Mehndi Oil
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Posted by Kenzi on December 03, 1999 at 23:47:33:
In Reply to: Re: About Mehndi Oil posted by lisa on December 03, 1999 at 20:20:02:
: : : I've gotten some facinating rashes from the oils though...especially : : from the ones from India marked for henna and with no clue of : : ingredients. : Hmmm, anyone have a clue as to what's in mehlabiyah oil? I bought a : bottle from El Muhajabat that fit the above description, and although : it didn't causea rash, I don't really want to use it in future batches : if there's something nasty about it. I have heard that this is mustard oil, which is often recommended to make your henna last. You can go to an Indian grocer, pick up some mustard oil and compare it to the stuff you bought.