Re: Amen (warning, lots of ranting)
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Posted by lisa on December 03, 1999 at 23:53:45:
In Reply to: Amen posted by Catherine Cartwright JOnes on December 03, 1999 at 22:59:21:
: Is there a reason that I'm unaware of that makes it preferable to do : expensive, non-productive and potentially dangerous things? Um, I would say either being ignorant and/or being naive about certain things. I actually checked the FAQs and how tos on this page before I even read this forum and there is a lot of "try mixing this in, try mixing that in, etc. etc." That's where I got the suggestion to buy mehlabiyah oil. Basically, I guess what I'm saying is that it's hard to figure out who's advice to follow when you've got many conflicting pieces of what appear to be anecdotal information. If I had found a concise, definitive article listing many of the rumored helpers and their effects (especially if it listed the methodology used to arrive at the result, such as side by side tests, duplication, etc.) I probably would've gone with it. However, all of the information I gathered (from here and from combing the web fairly intensely) was, as I said, a mish mash of anecdotal evidence. I basically followed the advice of whoever seemed the most knowledgeable and didn't sound like they were talking out of their butt; and I partially assumed that if there was a glaring problem with certain ingredients, they would be red-flagged. (Essential oils is on the Warnings page, but Mehndi oil isn't. The How To also doesn't list anything adverse with Mehndi oil.) If I skipped the henna forum entirely, I would not have known that all that's really needed is heat, time, fresh henna, and acid. However, if another newbie skipped out on reading this forum, they'd probably be in the same boat. This is not good, and results in people wasting their time. So, I'm essentially lobbying for a nice, easy to read article with a simple summation of what's essentially needed to get henna to do its work, plus a table which gives a good breakdown of the ingredients people have used in henna and why or why not using them is a good/bad idea. (Just seeing a "mehndi oil : no real effect in side-by-side tests. Generally not recommended because there's too much of a mystery meat factor with the ingredients" would have been way helpful.) Oh yeah, and it should be in an easy to find location.