Re: Camphor
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Posted by sondarya on December 04, 1999 at 01:46:03:
In Reply to: Re: Camphor posted by Zimra on December 02, 1999 at 00:49:14:
: : *Has any one tried camphor solid in the paste? : : Thank you. : Be careful of your source if you try using solid camphor... much of : the "camphor blocks" are really very hideous synthetics. Read your : labels!!! :Zimra, who worked in a drug store and *still* gets nauseous at the : thought of camphor blocks. Guess! what Zimra first time when I used my paste after around 12 hours of making, I felt no reaction on my skin. As I always do experiment after few days, I did today after three days with the same paste which I had kept in the fridge, I felt itching as I applied on my skin I could not bear the paste for more then 15 min. so I removed it. It did not show any reaction means bumps or... though other then itching.