Re: Henna Hair for Balding Men
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Posted by sondarya on December 08, 1999 at 23:27:26:
In Reply to: Henna Hair for Balding Men posted by elliott on December 08, 1999 at 20:10:59:
I assume you bought natural henna powder not the black henna, if answer is yes, you don't have to avoid it. You skin on the head will not get dark colour. However it could seem little tanned. In first week colour will fade, in case it gets any colour on it at all. I will greatly appreciate if you take time to drop line about your result. : Hello. I'm planning to dye my hair with a henna paste I bought in : London. I am concerned however that it will also dye my scalp. I am : not bald, but my hair on top is very thin. Is there anything I can do : to avoid dying the scalp, besides being careful to avoid the scalp : during application (this is quite difficult)? : Thanks, : Elliott