Re: MONTH of fasting?
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Posted by Eliz. R. on December 09, 1999 at 19:50:55:
In Reply to: Re: MONTH of fasting? posted by Natasha Papousek on December 09, 1999 at 19:12:18:
It is definitely based on a lunar month, which starts when someone sights the first slim crescent of the growing moon. (I used to work where I got a lot of calls near the end of Ramadan, asking "When will the Moon be born?" ...the new moon can be accurately predicted, but the sighting of the crescent can't be predicted well.) Because there aren't an even number of lunar months in a solar year, the time of Ramadan progresses around the solar calendar. Some people feel this is good, because then sometimes Ramadan is in winter (short time between sunrise & sunset if you're far enough from the equator). I don't recall the reasons behind Ramadan; my focus is the astronomy. I do know a few of the rules: People can be exempt from the fasting if it causes undue hardship (pregnacy, hard physical labor, etc.), although few will eat standard meals during the month. There is generally a "break-fast" shortly after sunset, and a feast after the month ends. (Try preparing for a feast when you don't know which day it'll be!) Also, if you start Ramadan in one place and then change time zones or cross the International Date Line, you generally stay with the calendar you started with (no cheating). Catherine has a page with a band that includes moon phases. I've been trying to translate lunar images into a henna design (so the "face" or "rabbit" show up) but have not yet succeeded.