Two tips
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Posted by Eliz. R. on December 12, 1999 at 15:23:54:
Remove New Skin - with more new skin. I didn't think it would work, but it does, and even discourages the New Skin from becoming a dipilatory. Put more on, wait barely a sec, wipe off thoroughly. It may take a second round. Also - I was starting to follow Natasha's suggestion to use sheet-protector plastic to make cones, since I'd gotten a free "photo protection" sheet in the mail. Lo and behold, the thing had an inch-wide strip for photo captions that made an excellent cone! I had to fold back one corner and trim the other *very* closely, but it hasn't leaked at all, and clogs pop right out the tip just by squeezing the tip flat. (Filled by putting a straw down, then using a baby medicine syringe to squirt in the henna, then removing straw with excess air. Roll the top & tape securely to seal, roll and tape as-you-go to keep pressure high.)