Re: Al Muhajabat
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Posted by Anne on December 13, 1999 at 15:10:46:
In Reply to: Al Muhajabat posted by Amy L. on December 13, 1999 at 04:09:55:
: Has anyone bought henna from almuhajabat.com, the Islamic clothing : site, and if so, how well did it work for you? Hej,
I bought some henna from them earlier this year. Getting it was a problem. We ordered at the beginning of summer, but hadn't received it by September. We'd paid by check and had the canceled check, but when we contacted them, they had no records of ever having received or cashed our check. We sent them a copy and we got our henna, eventually. I don't think I'll order from then again. Other people may have had better experiences. The henna itself had to be sifted *several* times and we lost about half of it to sifting. The colour was a weak orangeish/brown. I prefer Castle Art and Imports colour - very strong, and Amy is *so* nice. Best, Anne