short answer or long answer?
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on December 14, 1999 at 18:48:13:
In Reply to: HISTORY OF HENNA posted by AJIT GONDARA on December 14, 1999 at 17:44:48:
The short answer to your question is: henna is henna. It's off approximately the same bush and used in approximately the same way in all of the countries where it has been used for the last 9000 years. Red hands were first associated with fertility goddesses in Anatolia in about 6000 BCE and henna was used brides in NW Syria by 3000 BCE. (probably much earlier, but I can PROVE it was by that peroid.) The emotional associations with the color and use change for every ethnic group and century. There were probably multiple origins for henna useage across Africa, the Middle East and South Asia in the late bronze age, but there's little evidence to back that up. The bridal tradition definitely comes from a specific source at a specific time in the eastern Mediterranean. Henna is used fresh or dried, from one century and country to the next, and the main ingredient in the mix is henna leaves with something sour, and either reapplications or an overnight wrap. If you want the LONG answer, email me. It's just an outline of the history and useage of henna, but it still prints out about 7 pages, so is too long to post.