Re: CCJ's Henna Timeline (by henna artifacts)
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on December 15, 1999 at 00:01:22:
In Reply to: CCJ's Henna Timeline (by henna artifacts) posted by kenzi on December 14, 1999 at 23:40:49:
I wish the timeline by artifacts perfectly conincided with the country spread and time of henna use in each place. Where countries are hot AND damp, artifacts don't last long. However, if you can't find a solid chunk of something that proves henna was being used, how can you discuss it with any credibility? The hot and damp problem puts Africa and India and South Asia at a disadvantage against the hot and dry places.....that may be why I can find origins of henna back past 3000 BCE in the eastern Mediterranean, but can't find a damn thing before 100 BCE in India. Africa.... the archaeology, outside of Egypt, just isn't there. I can only infer stuff (which I just hate). My other deep sigh is that every time I hit the library, I find new stuff, so I don't know when that timeline will be complete. What I've found is, fortunately, vastly more comprehensive than anything else I've seen about henna's history.... I guess I'm trying to tell people that this timeline is NOT definitive, and I doubt that I can ever in my lifetime get that far with the research. It's my best shot, though!