Link broken? Re: Thinking ahead: Siriusly
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Posted by Henna diva on December 15, 1999 at 07:10:16:
In Reply to: Thinking ahead: Siriusly posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on December 13, 1999 at 20:25:52:
When I clicked on the link, I got a "server does not have a DNS entry" error message for www.brushwood.com. BTW, sounds like a great retreat to go on! : Sirius Rising will be July 10 to 16, 2000, and the link to the place : is below. : The second international henna conference will at Sirius : Rising....as was the first conference, and we had last year was so : much fun that there's no way it's not happening again. Many people : from the Forum, lurkers and regulars got together last year, and it : would be wonderful to double that number this year. : Here's what the henna conference at Sirius Rising is: : as many people as possible who are very serious about henna meeting up : for a week, sharing meals in the banquet glade (typical dinner was : steamed clams with garlic and butter, fresh baked bread, tabouli : salad, ... at least 6 side dishes, desert...) camping together, : jumping in the hot tub at midnight, swimming, dancing, listening to : many live concerts, drumming till dawn ... and of course hennaeing : everything we can tether down. I'll do henna classes in four part : harmony. (free) I'll bring enough henna for everyone. Every evening : starting about 8, we just get comfy under a huge apple tree and henna : people as quickly as they wander in. Everyone learns LOTS because : we're interacting and hennaeing together. Nothing teaches you as : quickly as watching other people henna! There are also lots of other : classes, from intensely interesting to silly..... Sirius Rising is a : delightful week at a BEAUTIFUL campground in rural western New York : state. It's a 2 hour drive east from Cleveland, 1 1/2 hour south of : Buffalo. : : Here's what the Sirius Rising henna conference is NOT: a place to make : a lot of money. When we henna, all the money goes into a pot, and : that goes for dinners in the banquet glade. (Did anyone NOT gain : several pounds? Well....Zimra didn't...and anyone else who danced and : drummed all night after eating! If you can teach two classes (contact : Roy through the website below) that will cancel out your camping fees. : If you want to vendor, contact same ... and that's cool, but you : won't have as much play time. : Any henna artist who comes to Sirius Rising can deduct all the : expenses for that week off on their taxes, form C!