Re: Mix
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Posted by Jenna on December 18, 1999 at 16:01:23:
In Reply to: Mix posted by Muscari on December 18, 1999 at 11:20:42:
: How to remove the mix of lemon and sugar witch you can put over your : henna pattern. I tried, it once but it became a sticky mess when I : tried to scratch it of. I don't think water is allowed? Dampen a cloth or paper towel and put a little olive oil, or any oil will do, and rub it off, it works well for me. Make sure to put a nice oil like mustard oil, beeswax, or anything you happen to prefer over your design and do it often. It protects it from water, try to keep it out of water while the color is developing over the next 24 hrs. If you can't keep it out of water, oiling it is premo, and it makes it look nice too, and seems to make your design last longer. Hope this helps.