Cattle Fecal Fortune... (Just a tad off topic)
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Posted by Giselle on December 21, 1999 at 08:02:59:
In Reply to: Re: I finally got the guts Henna this area... posted by Kenzi on December 21, 1999 at 03:03:04:
The impression that I got was that the attitude of the bride and how well she handled the stress of the whole situation would be the resulting attitude towards her marriage. If she handled the insults and poo-poo valiantly and with self-respect, then that is how she would be in marriage as well. (Definitely there are points in a relationship where sometimes I don't wonder if being blitzed with stool might be better, but alas, things eventually work themselves out.) Makes you wonder, though, about their marriage counseling techniques, eh? Hee hee!! Just the thought makes me chuckle. By the way, back on-topic, what I did to "wrap" the area was placing a piece of toilet paper over the design and spraying it with lemon sugar lightly. Then in my undies I wore a panty-liner -- a lot higher than what I would normally wear it, and it worked well in protecting the design from chaffing against my clothing. I just had to be careful sitting, and be aware to not smudge or smear the design. It came out wonderful after just an hour or so, I just had to keep shaving down the next following days to still admire the design. Dave liked it, definitely raised his eyebrow on it -- among other things :^) But that's what our Mehndi is for -- the sensuality of it...