Re: detailed designs
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 10, 1998 at 04:22:38:
In Reply to: detailed designs posted by Laura on March 09, 1998 at 21:55:04:
: How do I make detailed designs besides the plastic tube or baggie method. I don't seem to have much control over this method - I guess practice will make perfect but is there any other method. I've seen some people mention toothpicks and orange sticks. How do you use them? Sift your henna powder, sieve your lemon juice, and add either a little grenadine syrup or sugary hot tea or coffee to mix your batch, that helps create a gooeyness that helps the henna make finer lines....I'm not thrilled with squeezy bags either, though if I have a lot of clients to get through, it makes hennaeing go faster. Flat toothpicks make a nice little line of henna, better than a small paintbrush, because those bristles tend to get globby when full of henna. If you're not in a hurry, you should do fine with toothpicks. Also, if you get totally frustrated with tiny designs, explore patterns from traditions from Africa or the Arab countries that are less fiddly and more magical...We post new free patterns every month at www.mehandi.com with their sources and meanings, and we try to draft patterns that aren't desparately complex. Our regular kit has 20-some patterns, and we hope to have pattern books available shortly...if you're looking for ideas. After all, only the bride is supposed to have the fanciest patterns, the rest of the party is done with less elaborate stuff....as no one outdresses the bride at our weddings....