A time to rejoice ...
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Posted by Jewel on December 24, 1999 at 07:48:25:
To all my dearest friends on this forum, who has taught me SO many things about henna (our beloved topic), showed me so many wonderful ways to henna, enlightened me with so many GORGEOUS patterns and designs, opened my eyes to the wondrous history of henna (which at the same time, made me prouder of my heritage) ... anything and everything that I have learnt and still learning about henna and mehndi, I owe ALOT to this forum and the wonderful people I have the pleasure and opportunity to "meet" and share ... A special thanks to Jeremy for having this forum, CCJ for her generosity (God bless!) and ALL of you here, I have learnt something from everybody .... and to me, this is the greatest gift any friend can give. To one and all ... Have a wonderful Xmas, A prosperous 2000, a blessed Ramadan and a wonderful Eid !! Humbly yours, ~Jewel~