I agree! (Give Catherine a break...)
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Posted by Amy Lacenski on December 25, 1999 at 06:42:47:
In Reply to: Re: Let's just call this Catherine's page :( posted by Another Henna Poster on December 24, 1999 at 19:15:18:
If anyone has a bone to pick with Catherine, or anyone else, let me just say that without C's extensive knowledge and henna wisdom, I could very well have bought some black henna and seriously burnt myself. Before you decide to pick on someone, I suggest that you factor in all the positive things they contribute to the forum. I do not find *anyone* here to be pushy, dominating or otherwise nasty (except for a few name-callers...!), and people have been nothing but supportive and helpful to me. At the very least, if you do not like someone, that is what email is for, instead of flaming them in public.