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Posted by Amy L. on December 26, 1999 at 02:09:29:
In Reply to: Re: HELP ME! posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on December 26, 1999 at 00:43:21:
She probably just means that the actual dry, cracked mehndi goo is off her skin, and the design has darkened somewhat as all well- behaved henna should (still can't believe the depth of color I got, although it wasn't exactly impressive!) Jaycee, if your design isn't on thin or sensitive skin, try using a pumice stone, LIGHTLY, in the shower. I used the corner of a stone as an "eraser" for the more conspicuous goof-ups on my first design. Don't try it anywhere other than soles or palms, don't do it dry, and definitely don't scrub hard.... it definitely helps, though. You can get pumice stones at Bath and Body Works or other skin product stores... usually right around the alpha-hydroxy creams :)